Nicelog | |
Nicelog 提供最佳录音平台并可支援不同CTI整合方案,全球超过500,000个回路的安装实迹于不同产业包含金融/ 电信/ 服务业….. ,Nicelog录音系统所提供之设备为标准伺服器架构设采用Microsoft Windows2003作业系统,录音系统采用模组化设计,可用堆叠方式增加机柜扩充容量,不需更换原有系统主机柜,增加企业灵活扩充需求。
NiceLog 规格
录音系统主机使用高稳定性工业用电脑,可以装置于标准19”机架内,并配置具备自动切换备援功能之N 1电源供应器。
Nicelog录音系统可搭配使用Microsoft SQL关连式资料库系统或NiceCLS CTI 关连式资料库系统,储存相关录音索引资料方便历史录音搜寻。
Modular Messaging keeps messages accessible anytime, anywhere from a wide array of devices including phones, fax machines, and PCs. This flexibility enhances employee productivity, helping to improve customer satisfaction, lower costs, and drive revenue.
Modular Messaging is all about delivering more flexibility and choice in the best messaging productivity tools to improve customer satisfaction, lower costs, and drive revenue for an enterprise or organization. Not all businesses and organizations are alike, so messaging systems should have no limitations for managing messages.
With Modular Messaging, enterprises can add new IP-based messaging capabilities while preserving current messaging infrastructure and capital investments. It combines the power of Avaya messaging systems into a single, highly scalable platform that seamlessly integrates with existing Avaya Octel® 250/350, Octel 200/300 and Intuity® AUDIX® systems via the Message Networking system without any changes to current voice and data infrastructures.
Capacities for use with the Avaya Message Storage Server range from 4-144 ports and up to 20,000 mailboxes and 15,000 hours of storage. Capacities for Microsoft Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino message storage servers range from 4-240 ports. (Note: Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino are not supported in Modular Messaging 5.0).